Cities and people I’m thankful for
This past week, the United States celebrated Thanksgiving—a holiday best described as a festival of turkey mountains, cranberry sauce rivers, and infinite pie horizons. I’ve experienced one firsthand during my time in the US, and let me tell you, I was grateful for all that glorious excess—no complaints on the food front. But more than that, I was thankful for the people: those sitting beside me and those scattered across continents.
Truthfully, I think I had my own Thanksgiving rituals long before I ever celebrated the official one. My closest equivalent might be that sweet, reflective limbo between Christmas and New Year’s. That’s my usual time for stock-taking, forward-planning, and an outpouring of gratitude. I’ll dive into that when the time comes.
But this week, as I found myself reflecting on the people who’ve shaped my life and the places I’ve called home, I noticed something intriguing: cities and people are surprisingly alike. Both leave their mark on you, shape your path, and sometimes surprise you in ways you didn’t expect.
So, here’s my gratitude list.
5. Hong Kong
Hong Kong is ambitious with a side of chill. It’s like New York’s wise grandparent—skyscrapers meet beaches, suits mix with shorts, and neon lights illuminate ancient Chinese characters. It’s fast-paced yet steeped in tradition. Looking back, Hong Kong yanked me out of a life rut, and I’ve always been drawn to people with its vibe: grounded yet forward-thinking, traditional but agile. Admittedly, they’re rare in my circle, but I’m certain more are out there.
One such person I’m lucky to know is a true gem—someone who lights up every room with wisdom and humor, blends ambition with boundless empathy, and reminds me that brilliance can indeed come with a warm heart.
4. Zurich
Zurich is that front-row kid with their hand perpetually in the air—know-it-all, have-it-all, acing tests while looking like they just stepped off a Vogue cover. Annoying, right? But here’s the kicker: those kids grow up, and suddenly, their punctuality, organization, and overachieving productivity become... kind of impressive. You catch a glimpse of their color-coded post-its and pristine notebooks, and like it or not, you think, I wish I had my life together like that.
That’s what Zurich did to me. It was like sipping some magical elixir that jolted me back to life—my old self, but turbocharged. I’m talking about that rabbit in the battery commercial, the one leaving all the other rabbits in the dust. And when I think about the people in my life who embody those same qualities, I can’t help but be grateful for them and their knack for turning chaos into calm with unshakable poise and precision.
3. Sarajevo
Sarajevo embodies one of my favorite kinds of people: those who, despite enduring immense hardship and obstacles, radiate humor, optimism, and infectious laughter. When I meet someone like that, I cling to them like a lantern in the pitch black—they’re rare, and they’re vital.
Here’s a concrete example of someone I met recently. Imagine you’ve sold everything to move to a foreign country, and used the money to buy yourself a second-hand car. Unfortunately, that car vanishes in a flood, leaving you and your family broke and stranded. And despite all that, you can still say with a grin, “It’s just a car; I guess we will need better boots to walk those 20 kilometers.” If this is you, you have my admiration, my loyalty, and my deepest inspiration. People like you remind me of resilience at its finest, and I’ll do whatever I can to support you.
2. Valencia
“Are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?” Mary Oliver’s words hit me hard, and the answer came in the form of sunny Valencia. I realized I’d been mistaking a checklist for a life. Valencia taught me differently: life is to be savored. Books are meant to be read without peaking what happens at the end, and lunches are for lingering with others, not rushed through in 15 minutes.
Now, I’m lucky to know many Valencia-style people. They take their time, listen deeply, eat slowly, bask in the outdoors, and genuinely care for others. They remind me daily that a life well-lived is one unhurried and wholehearted. There’s no going back to my pre-Valencia self, and honestly, I wouldn’t dream of it.
1. Vienna
Living in Vienna instilled in me a belief I hold dear to this day: if you want a beautiful life, you have to surround yourself with beauty. It might sound simple, but it’s surprisingly overlooked. Vienna is beauty made tangible, a city of sweetness, coziness, and effortless practicality. It’s a constant reminder to seek beauty—not just the kind you see, but the kind you feel and experience.
Vienna is art, music, science, literature, and history—essentially, the finest achievements of humanity rolled into one elegant package. I’m drawn to people who recognize this kind of beauty, who appreciate it, and who consciously strive to create or contribute to it. They’re my favorite kind of people, and they make life infinitely richer.
As I reflect on the cities and people that have shaped my journey, I realize that each one has taught me something invaluable. Whether they are grounded yet forward-thinking like Hong Kong, precise and poised like Zurich, unwaveringly optimistic like Sarajevo, present and thoughtful like Valencia, or passionate and deeply connected to beauty like Vienna, they’ve shown me the power of living authentically and with purpose.
So, when you take a moment to reflect on all of that, one thing becomes clear: there’s so much more to be grateful for than just turkey and stuffing.
Happy belated Thanksgiving!
What cities and people are you grateful for? Make sure to comment below!
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